OK, Continent Trotters, welcome down under from up over! Is it fabulous? Is your lodging above the bug-barrier or below it? Is Brinzbane more Briz than bane?
The Great Harvard Prize Book BBQ went off splendidlty. I am exausted. But not too exhausted to innihilate members fo The Allience this afternoon on Borgo Pass and then schmooze with Cyrano, Jeepers, Dixie, and, with luck, Mr. Fox. Niko
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I just can't take it! (sniffle) - tdr
Holy crap I love that dog.... Give me some cheese dude
OK, Continent Trotters, welcome down under from up over! Is it fabulous? Is your lodging above the bug-barrier or below it? Is Brinzbane more Briz than bane?
The Great Harvard Prize Book BBQ went off splendidlty. I am exausted. But not too exhausted to innihilate members fo The Allience this afternoon on Borgo Pass and then schmooze with Cyrano, Jeepers, Dixie, and, with luck, Mr. Fox. Niko
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