Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 07, 2010


I admit it, I get a kick out of reading zombie stories. World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (seriously), and my favorite, Monster Hunter International.

I was recently introduced to a game called Plants vs. Zombies.

It's a gas! Funny, and fun.

Amy and I have it on our iPhones, and we've been tapping away like made whenever we have five minutes to spare.

Don't try it, it's worse than crack:

Friday, March 05, 2010

Oh, the shame. . .

San Antonio drivers tops in Texas for cell phone-related crashes

"SAN ANTONIO - Texas drivers using cells phones are causing thousands of accidents, some of them deadly. The problem is particularly bad here in San Antonio. . . "

"The interchange at IH-10 and Loop 1604 is just one of the places you're most likely to be struck by a driver distracted by their cell phone. "


That's on our daily commute.

I think we may start a new feature, "Commute of shame," featuring photos of some of the people we see texting, talking, putting on makeup, and generally not paying more than a fraction of attention to their driving, while cruising along at 70+ on IH-10.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tee Vee

Ever wondered what newspeople did during commercial breaks?

I wonder if this is unique?

From Matt G:


I love that the voting location nearest me is accessed by a long, bumpy, dirt road.

Keeps the posers out. (grin)