Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pix from Down Under Trip - the beginning

Amy about to be abducted by some spaceship in LA

I know just how this little girl felt!

The line for Qantas in LA was a shock!

Thanks to these three ... children in the row behind me staying up all night to watch movies and shout "Dude" at each other, I only got two hours sleep from LAX to Aukland.

This picture says it all: look at how far we've traveled, and we still have 3 and a half hours to go.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I really enjoyed drinking coffee in Denton and listening to the stories of abroad. What happened to Oct 10, 2005. I assume it was spent with the 3 thugs behind you....on the plane. Have a great trip.

Love Greg.

Anonymous said...

Papatee? Papatee? Patatee?

Naw, you just hit the TSA Gestabo agents on a good day. Usually, their attitude is just marginally bellow Dixie's.

Yikes, I had forgotten the long lines for cattle class. With my upgrade days history, I won't be able to zip through the rapido line.

I love those screens that show the plane's position.

Big Gun of Borgo Pass