Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Slip slidin' away...

After two days of frozen rain, our driveway is a solid sheet ice, impassible without crampons. The cars are frozen shut, with the doors sealed by a half inch coating...

Everything is iced over...


Anonymous said...

Yikes- I was wondering how you guys were doing up there on the hill! Pipes ok by now?

Tim said...

Things started melting this morning, and the pipes are just about done. We should be free to go (and bathe) by late afternoon...

Anonymous said...

Good, bathing is good. I averaged two hot showers a day during the freeze! No water must have sucked-- but ya'll have that 'pioneer' spirit I lack!

Tim said...

Actually, it was more like the "Pioneer SMELL," if ya know what I mean. ;-)