Just before departure, at 4:00 a.m.

Windmill farm in West Texas ...

Don, just North of Van Horn, Texas... From all the greenery, it appears that West Texas has been getting the rain we haven't!

Almost halfway, in the Guadalupe Mountains...

And finally, the Pueblo Econolodge! And our End Witness!

Do we look like we just rode a thousand miles at one sitting?

Day two, we added about 570 miles more to the total. We rode to Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota, and then spent the night at Bear Butte campground outside Sturgis.

Trip computer at end of day two. Pay no attention to that "max speed" number, it was a momentary abberation, due to passing a troublemaking semi-truck...

Day three, we hurried the 350 miles to the airport in Billings, Montana, to pick up Amy, arriving at 12:45. Just as we arrived at the airport, Don’s R1150RT’s rear tire went flat. A phone call to a savior in the BMW owner’s “anonymous” book got us the number of a shop that cam to pick Don’s bike up and trailer it the shop for new shoes…

"Dang, we're hitting a high spot on the ramp...

Note the highly technical "get the bike over the high spot in ramp method" ...

At last we are encamped at the Super8 motel in Billings, and headed to Red Lodge and the Beartooth tomorrow.
Stay tuned!